Warranty conditions

Harvia Austria GmbH is convinced of the quality of its products, and we want you to benefit from them in the future!

Warranty conditions for technology
We provide a 2-year manufacturer's warranty on all of our control units in the sentiotec sauna, sentiotec infra and sentiotec
light&media product lines. We provide a¦2-year manufacturer's warranty for infrared radiators and additionally 5000 operating
hours for DIR radiators. The warranty period for all sauna heaters is generally 2 years.

Requirement for this warranty:

  • The control units have been installed by an authorised specialist company;
  • the devices are operated according to the sentiotec operating manuals;
  • the warranty claim is received by sentiotec within the warranty period.

Excluded from the warranty are:

  • Deficiencies or damage caused by non-intended use;
  • all consumable materials and consumable objects, such as heating elements, etc.

Warranty conditions for cabins:
We provide a¦five-year warranty on all of our solid wood and element cabins of the line sentiotec sauna and sentiotec infra for private
usage. For commercial usage, the warranty is two years.

Requirement for this warranty:

  • The corresponding invoice is presented,
  • a detailed description of the defect is enclosed,
  • the cabins were installed in accordance with the sentiotec installation and operating instructions,
  • the warranty claim is received by sentiotec within the warranty period.
  • In the case of outdoor cabins, care must be taken by the consumer to protect the wood by painting it or leaving it in with a wood protection paint.

Excluded from the warranty are:

  • Deficiencies or damage caused by non-intended use,
  • cabins that were modified without the explicit approval of the manufacturer,
  • pitch pockets and pitch that has emerged,
  • damage and discolouration of the wood due to inadequate ventilation or a¦non-intended installation site,
  • natural changes in the wood such as discolouration, crack formation, shrinkage, swelling or similar changes due to the properties of the wood.

Pitch pockets are not grounds for return, since they can always appear in spruce wood and the depth at which they lie cannot be
detected during the sorting out process. Pitch pockets are not grounds for return, if these are just under the surface, heat can cause
them to soften and “bleed”. Remove leaking pitch with a¦rag soaked in acetone. If only droplets of pitch occur, allow these to harden
and then carefully scrape them off with a knife.

The warranty period starts from the date of invoice of the cabin manufacturer. A¦requirement is the presentation of the original
invoice. If no original invoice is available, the month of manufacture, noted on the type plate of the product, is used as the basis for
the¦start of the warranty period. The warranty period is neither extended nor renewed by warranty services.